Anabolizante Deca Durabolin – Como Funciona e Efeitos Colaterais

Deca 300

I used Deca Durabolin in my first cycle, at the time it was possible to buy ampoules directly at pharmacies without a prescription. This cycle lasted 8 weeks, I don’t remember exactly the number of ampoules I used but it was around 15 (50mg each). In the same cycle I used Primobolan and Anadrol. The mass gains were surprising since I combined the cycle with good nutrition, supplementation and correct training.

Every day it is more common to see people who realize that only proper training and a balanced diet do not bring the results desired by bodybuilders in a short time. Some end up using other means to increase their muscle gains. And one of these methods is usually the use of anabolic steroids, substances that increase fat burning and favor muscle hypertrophy.

The anabolic Deca Durabolin is among the most used in gyms, and is considered one of the most effective and with the lowest incidence of side effects for muscle mass gain. But that does not mean that the risks are low. There are countless cases of people who have had serious side effects. It is important to keep in mind that use always involves risks. Due to the nature of the product, side effects cannot be canceled quickly after discontinuation of medication. In addition, as it is injectable, it can cause local reactions by administration.

Remember that aesthetic use can have irreversible consequences. A proper diet and training are the ideal way for you to achieve your goals.

WARNING: The use of anabolic steroids is dangerous and can cause serious side effects. This article covers the characteristics of the drug, how it works, its side effects and my experience of use. I am not recommending the use . The information contained in this article seeks technical clarification on the characteristics of the drug.

How it is sold

We can find the sale in different packages and dosages, the first one I had access to was ” Deca de Farmácia “, it is sold in any pharmacy in ampoules with a concentration of 50mg / ml. This model, despite the low concentration, is a favorite of users because, in theory, it comes from a reliable source and is unlikely to be a counterfeit product.

In another cycle I did I used ” Deca Grega “, this time there were 12 plugs, associated with some other anabolic that I do not remember. I can’t say for sure if the anabolic is actually made in Greece, but the results were also expressive. This version is sold on the “black market” and comes with a “plug” with 2 mls, in a concentration of 100mg / ml.

In the last click I made with this medication I used ” Deca 300 “, which can be found in “plugs” with 10mls and a concentration of 300mg / ml. The advantage of this version is that you only need to buy one plug.

Searching through Google you can find Deca Durabolin in different forms and concentrations.

A little more about the Anabolic Deca Durabolin

Known as nandrolone decanoate, or “Deca” is one of the most commercialized anabolic steroids worldwide, being used initially in the treatment against the HIV virus and severe anemia.

Discovered by bodybuilders in the 60s, nandrolone has been used as an anabolic steroid by athletes of the most diverse modalities.

Considered an androgenic and anabolic steroid, the anabolic Deca Durabolin has the ability to increase physical endurance and stimulate muscle mass gain.

Deca also plays an important role in the immune system, strengthening the body’s defense lines.

What is the anabolic Deca Durabolin for?

Already naturally produced in small amounts by the body, nandrolone stimulates the production of muscle fibers, accelerates the formation of bone tissue, improves the metabolism of calcium (important for bones and muscle contraction) and decreases catabolism.

For those who practice weight training, the Deca cycle can significantly increase muscle mass gains, in addition to accelerating fat burning, improving muscle definition.

How it works?

The anabolic cycle Deca Durabolin leads to hypertrophy in different ways. Check out how each one works:

Mass Gain

The main property of the anabolic Deca Durabolin is precisely to increase the amount and size of the muscles in bodybuilders. This effect is due to the fact that nandrolone stimulates protein synthesis and the release of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), a hormone produced by the liver and whose functions include the development of bones, cartilage and nerve cells. In addition, IGF-1 also regulates the growth and multiplication of muscle cells, being considered a highly anabolic hormone.

Since protein synthesis improves during the cycle, we need to eat / supplement more to increase the supply of nutrients for tissues to regenerate and start growing, this increase is not synonymous with fat accumulation, eating more and not eating any filth.

Increased Resistance

The use of the anabolic Deca Durabolin increases muscle endurance, allowing for more intense workouts and keeping fatigue at bay for longer. It also ensures that the muscles do not wear out so easily when subjected to tight workouts, which means that the Nandrolona user will not only be able to increase the load of the devices but will also be able to do a greater number of sets or repetitions.

These benefits of Deca Durabolin are due in part to the effect of the anabolic steroid on red blood cells, or red blood cells, responsible for transporting oxygen to muscle fibers. Nandrolone considerably increases the amount of red blood cells in circulation, which will increase blood oxygenation, allowing more oxygen and other nutrients to reach the muscles.

With increased protein synthesis, greater nitrogen retention, increased production of IGF-1 and decreased glucocorticoids, Deca Durabolin guarantees not only strength gains but also more resistance for your muscles to be able to respond to training stimuli.

Fat Burning

While stimulating muscle regeneration and synthesis, the anabolic Deca Durabolin also speeds up metabolism, increasing the use of fat stores as fuel for cells.

And as it stimulates nitrogen retention, it enables what is very difficult to obtain naturally: burn fat without losing muscle tissue as a consequence.

Therapeutic Effects

As important as having a significant increase in muscle strength and endurance is the ability to regenerate in the post-workout and prevent injury. Nandrolone stimulates collagen production, strengthens the immune system and protects ligaments and tendons, essential functions for those who train with intensity.

In addition, Deca also speeds up the repair rate of muscle fibers, minimizing post-workout pain and stimulating muscle hypertrophy.

Deca Durabolin cycle

The Deca cycle is rarely done with nandrolone decanoate alone. In general, the anabolic Deca Durabolin is used in conjunction with other drugs, such as Durateston (testosterone propionate) and Deposteron.

As nandrolone remains active for up to 10 days in the body, Deca applications are usually weekly. And although dosages are quite variable, they do not usually exceed 200-600 mg per week for men, and 25-50 mg for women.

Side effects

In general, Deca Durabolin is considered a safer steroid than others on the market, which does not mean that its use has no side effects. When used alone in the cycle, Deca can cause erectile dysfunction, an effect that is usually minimized by combining nandrolone with testosterone esters, such as Durateston.

And since Deca Durabolin is basically a hormone similar to progesterone, its side effects also include:

  • Increased skin oiliness
  • Acne
  • Reduced libido
  • Greater fluid retention
  • Kidney overload and liver poisoning
  • Baldness
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular complications
  • Gynecomastia
  • Virilization: development of male characteristics in women who make long-term use of the steroid. Clitoral enlargement, deepening of the voice and increased hair.

The best way to avoid the side effects of the anabolic Deca Durabolin is obviously not to use the drug as an anabolic, but if you are really determined to try it, talk to a professional about a possible combination with Durateston or another anabolic steroid beforehand.

In addition to the side effects already reported, the manufacturer himself warns of the following adverse reactions:

  • High blood pressure
  • Red spots on the skin
  • Nausea
  • Increased hemoglobin or blood lipids (fats)
  • Itching
  • Hoarseness
  • Voice change
  • Increased hair on the face or body
  • Irregular menstruation (or complete absence of menstruation)
  • Clitoral enlargement
  • Prostate growth with difficulty urinating
  • Painful erections
  • Altered sperm formation
  • Incomplete growth in height
  • Masculinization.

In adolescents, the following side effects of using Deca Durabolin can also be observed:

  • Early sexual development
  • Increased frequency of erections
  • Height limitation (limited height growth).


Anyone who has used the drug to gain muscle mass guarantees that Deca Durabolin causes expressive results. In addition to accelerating lean mass gains, users of the anabolic steroids also report a great decrease in body fat and a greater gain in strength during training.

Most users, however, report having used the drug in conjunction with other anabolic substances, in addition to also undergoing CPT (post-cycle therapy) to restore natural testosterone production and combat the other side effects of anabolic steroids.

Final considerations on the use of Deca Durabolin

Remember: All medications must be used under prescription and medical supervision.

This article should not be seen as an apology or encouragement to use.

I reported here some experiences I had, nowadays I no longer use any anabolic substance, not because I am against it, but because today I am married and my wife is against it, because I am afraid that something bad may happen to my health, and out of respect for her I decided not to use it anymore.